What is SOCaaS
Why does your business need it?

Security Operation Center as a Service (SOCaaS) is an analysis and monitoring solution from the cloud that identifies risks and dangers in real time and responds within industry regulations to monitor logs, devices, and networks. Using SOCaaS allows our customers to outsource cyber security operations to a specialist team of professionals for instantaneous response to attacks on the cloud system, whilst eliminating the need to stress the IT department outside its constraints.

Hackers and Cyber-criminals are continuously finding new ways to penetrate IT systems and gain access to vulnerable data. To a hacker, any system is a target, whether it be a global megacorporation or a small local business. Cybercrime is only becoming more prevalent in this data-driven world; almost everyone is online, and businesses who do not jump into some forms of online activity are finding themselves left behind by those whose marketing and products are reaching customers on all corners of the connected world, not just at home. This online requirement is opportunistic for intruders, and the continuous development of sophisticated security breaching software and techniques is quickly becoming beyond the resource capabilities of in-house cyber security departments.

Data breaches are expensive, and that cost can be multiplied when breaches force customers to seek out competitors and tarnish your businesses reputation. A SOC’s greatest advantage is that it can properly archive logs to indicate vulnerabilities. On top of this, SOC has high visibility in the security management of your business meaning less data loss and more awareness of the threats that jeopardize what you do best.

IntraStack delivers a results-driven SOCaaS monthly subscription that provides 24/7/365 data security for your business that is powered by our enterprise-grade network stack. Contact us for a free consultation and let us take care of keeping your data safe.


  • Efficient log collection
  • Real time threat analysis
  • 24/7/365 security and communication with our technical team
  • Incorporated network stack
  • Step by step installation and instructions for actioning
  • Interactive and visual representation of data
  • Software updates and patches
  • Configuration and maintenance of security infrastructure


  • Fast remediation of threats
  • Secure customer data
  • Priority grade ticketing and detailed reports on threats
  • No hardware costs
  • Seamless information architecture
  • API security
  • Added intelligence to keep your business safe
  • Fortification of endpoint security

Our Services

Security Operation Center As A Service

Analysis and monitoring solution from the cloud operated by a specialist technical team.

Real time threat analysis

Action on threats as soon as they happen, and we keep you updated as they progress from discovered to resolved.

24/7/365 customer support

We are always vigilant of threats to your business and here to help as soon as you need us.

Sophisticated network stack

Our network stack uses the best applications and services available to give our technicians the upper hand on hackers and cyber-criminals.

Get in touch

Start small with IntraStack' Security Operation Center. Go big with your business.

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